Meckel Translations GmbH
The company Meckel Translations GmbH was founded in 2008 and has established itself as a provider of professional technical translations in the Swiss market. Our language portfolio has been successively expanded and our translators' network has been continually extended. In this way, we are able to provide our discerning clients with high-quality language services across a broad range of technical and associated areas.

Meckel Translations GmbH specialises in translations and language services in all technical and associated fields:
- Automobile construction and automotive parts supply
- Building industry, building materials
- Chemistry, biochemistry
- Electrical and electro-mechanical engineering
- Electronics
- Information Technology
- Machine tools
- Mechanical engineering
- Medical engineering
- Pharmaceuticals
- Plant construction
- Telecommunications
- Safety and security engineering
In addition, specific fields can be offered on request.
"For many years, we have been trusting the reliable, professional and fast translation services
from Meckel Translations."
Rütschi Fluid AG - Brugg